Food For Thought


Both Fort Hood shooters were taken out by a woman with a gun. Maybe we should just automatically give all women concealed carry permits. Women don’t ever seem to go on shooting rampages but appear to be pretty good at stopping them.

Losing Iraq

losing iraq

Al-Qaeda-linked forces have just captured Fallujah in Iraq. The United States fought some of its bloodiest battles in order to win Fallujah over the past decade only to turn around and be commanded to abandon it for political purposes. How would you feel if your own child gave his life in order to protect a bridge only to have your own government turn around and detonate this bridge themselves? This is what is happening in Iraq right now and it disrespects everyone who fights for us overseas. Our military deserves much better than the country we have become.

Welcome to the World According to Guyer!



I cannot keep all of my thoughts in my head.  I am not sure if I understand the physics behind it, but I am pretty sure that if I keep all of this inside that eventually my head will explode.  I have decided to start a blog as my very own public diary. Just in case any of you out there are wondering… I am a former medical doctor who walked away from medicine after twenty years in primary care because of the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act.  I am in the process of transforming myself into a computer programmer.   I spend much of my day like those two guys in the balcony of the Muppet Show by simply observing the world from afar and making my own snarky comments about what I see.  My friends and family have encouraged me to share my talents with the world.  Stay tuned.