Forgetting Our Anniversary

janet and mike

Janet and I have been married for exactly seventeen years today. People refer to this milestone as our anniversary. My wife and I don’t really talk about our wedding day very often. Janet and I drove to the local justice of the peace on the morning of our “wedding” and he married us in his backyard. We had no fuss and no witnesses. I paid the exact same amount for our wedding as I paid for my golden retriever. Each cost exactly one hundred dollars.

Janet forgets our anniversary most of the time. I have to remind her of the actual date on a regular basis. This date does not mean very much to either of us. You see, Janet and I both failed at our first marriages. We both made promises to other people in front of God, friends, and family… then failed spectacularly. We both learned the hard way that an aging promise and a marriage license are not enough to keep two people together for the rest of their lives. Janet and I were keenly aware the second time around that our marriage together was not crossing a finish line but was simply a starting line. We knew early on that a real marriage requires a constant recommitment to one another.

In the seventeen years that my wife and I have been together, I have repeatedly asked her if she will marry me. I have probably asked her this over one thousand times throughout our relationship. I need to know that if she started over today knowing everything she knows now that she would still choose me. Each time she tells me the same answer. She always smiles at me and says, “Over and over again”. Each time it lights up my heart. I try to make sure that I go out every day and earn this response that I need.

My wife and I have learned to never take each other for granted. We are best friends in every definition of the word. If Janet and I have a problem between the two of us, we attack that problem wholeheartedly. We don’t leave things unsaid. We never use our words as a weapon against one another. We are careful with each other’s heart. We are both acutely aware that our legal binding is fragile and does not serve to keep our relationship safe.

Janet and I didn’t need any wedding dresses or tuxedos. We didn’t need wedding guests or a reception. We did not have a ring bearer and we do not have a wedding photo album. At the end of the day, all of those things mean absolutely nothing to a marriage. So go ahead and wish us a happy anniversary if you see us and in all likelihood we will politely smile and nod. But I will not be telling my wife to have a “Happy Anniversary” today. The only thing I have to say to my wife in front of God, friends, and family is the same question I plan to ask her repeatedly for the remainder of my life: “Janet, will you marry me?”

One Path


for that stock you never bought

for that friend you never called

for that life you didn’t choose

for that person you never kissed

for that trip you never made

for those feelings that you hurt

for those words you didn’t say

for that effort you didn’t give

for that chance you never took

for that time you didn’t spend

one chance

one path

make it count

My Top Ten Worst Ideas For Reality TV Shows

My Top Ten Worst Ideas for Reality TV Shows:
10) Dancing With The Homeless
9) America’s Next Top Janitor
8) The Biggest Gainer
7) This Old Outhouse
6) Real Housewives of Pine Bluff
5) Jon and Kate Plus Hate
4) Pimp My Commode
3) The Ordinary Race
2) So You Think You Can Prance
And the number one worst idea for a reality TV show…
1) Turducken Dynasty

The Invisible Hand of God

I have no other explanation for what happened early that summer morning. The only thing that I can point to in order to explain my actions that day is the invisible Hand of God. I was a 27 year old medical resident just coming off a sixty hour shift in a tiny emergency room in Paris, Arkansas. I would moonlight extensively in emergency rooms over the weekends to help pay my bills during my training. Each shift would begin at 6:00 PM on Friday and would end at exactly 6:00 AM on Monday morning. It was understood that I could just walk away at exactly six o’clock and the local physicians would then start taking call from home until the regular staff arrived at seven.

I almost always left the hospital at exactly six in the morning because I had about a 45 minute drive back to Fort Smith and my work at the residency started at 7:00 AM. I was a little late getting out of the hospital one morning and was walking out the door with my bag of clothes in hand when I heard an ER nurse talking with an EMT. “Dr. Guyer”, she shouted down the hall. “We just had a lady deliver her baby at home. EMT says that both the mom and baby are doing fine. Do you want them to head on over to Fort Smith?” Without even thinking I answered, “No, have them come by here so that I can see them first.”

“What the hell?” I immediately thought to myself. “Why the hell would I say that? My shift ended fifteen minutes ago. I am already exhausted and now I am going to be late for work”. I opened my mouth to divert the patients back to Fort Smith when I started second guessing myself. “I am going to look stupid if I change my mind and reverse my decision”. I don’t know many doctors that would wait for a complete stranger (who was reportedly in stable condition) to arrive in the ER after their shift had already ended. Ninety nine times out of one hundred, I would not wait for this patient myself. For some reason, this morning was different.

Less than five minutes later, the EMT arrived with the mother sitting in a wheelchair covered in a blanket. “Where is the baby?” I asked. “I let the mom hold her”, the EMT replied. I pulled back the blanket to discover a slightly blue 27 week premature female infant still attached to the umbilical cord. This baby was mere seconds away from death. I immediately jumped into action. The medical rotation that I had been on the past month in my residency program just happened to include extensive neonatal intensive care. I had to quickly get the newborn much lower than the mother in order to get more blood back into her tiny system. I then clamped the cord and then started bagging her little lungs. I had to do chest compressions with just one finger to keep blood circulating through her body.  The infant was very cold and I had to get creative to warm her little body as much as possible. We called Children’s Hospital and had the child transported by helicopter to Little Rock.

The nurses in this small emergency room were extremely competent but were completely flustered because they had never dealt with anything like this before. Everyone in the emergency room agreed that this baby would have died within minutes if I had left for work at the end of my shift as usual. The EMT was placed on probation and was sent to get further training. My residency director told me that he was never more proud to have one of his residents arrive so very late for work. To my astonishment, this baby not only survived this incident but suffered no longer term consequences. She is now about to graduate from high school and is reportedly doing very well.  To this day, I can’t believe those words which caused me to remain in that ER left my mouth.  I know it sounds crazy, but I believe that God made me say those words and kept me from taking them back.  If you don’t believe in miracles, I am writing this to inform all of you that we all have one walking around us right here in Arkansas.  I don’t know what God has planned for the rest of her life… but I know without a doubt that this little girl is here for a reason.

Every Job Is a Stepping Stone

This is every job that I have ever experienced in order of occurrence:

1) Janitor
2) Lawn Boy
3) Auto Mechanic Assistant
4) Parking Lot Sweeper
5) Busboy
6) Pizza Delivery Guy
7) EKG assistant
8) Lab Assistant
9) Phlebotomist
10) Chemist
11) Medical Resident
12) Emergency Room Physician
13) Boxing Match Ring Doctor
14) Associate Professor at UAMS
15) IT Systems Network Supervisor
16) Private Practice Physician
17) Entrepreneur
18) Real Estate Manager
19) CEO of Guyer Enterprises

20) Computer Programmer for Apple

You should never concern yourself with where you start in life.  The jobs you take on in life are like your personal stepping stones.  Your life is but a journey. You should only concern yourself with the direction in which your journey is headed.

America’s Crosshairs


In the 1980s, Nelson Mandela along with the African National Congress were listed as terrorist threats according to the United States. This means that if our predator drone technology had been available over 30 years ago, that our nation could have very well been responsible for assassinating one of the most transformative and influential people of a generation. Take just a moment and think about that. Over the past twelve years, we have given up far too much power to the executive branch of our government. We cannot continue to define our country as being in a perpetual state of war in which the routine rules of justice and morality no longer apply. The next Nelson Mandela of the world may already be in our crosshairs.

Rising College Tuition Explained

I am going to try to explain what is going on with the cost of higher education in this country. Let’s pretend that you walk into a 1st grade classroom with a box full on candy bars to auction off. Given that the children only have the money in their own pockets, you would probably only get about 25 cents to a dollar for each bar. Now let’s pretend that the next time you attempt to do this, each child is handed 10 dollars beforehand. You would soon discover that the value of your candy bars have gone up to about 5 to 10 dollars per bar. The next time time around the children are given 1000 dollars each and you discover that your candy bars are “worth” a few hundred dollars each. People soon reach the conclusion that no one can afford candy bars without external financial assistance. This is EXACTLY what is going on with all of the funding being pumped into higher education right now. This limitless federal funding of education is falsely inflating the cost of the product and is doing serious financial damage to an entire generation. Twenty-somethings are going to be left with a lifetime of debt for something of limited actual value. This is how asset bubbles work and college tuition is in one right now. Just as the housing bubble collapsed a few year ago, this one is about to come crashing down as well.

Clinton vs Shoe

hillary clinton

So apparently someone threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton yesterday while she was giving a speech? Maybe this individual had just noticed this shoe was uncomfortable and simply chose to dispose of the shoe at an inopportune time. Perhaps this person had just seen Katy Perry’s recent music video with anti-Islamic imagery and had become upset. Who knows? Maybe, this individual was annoyed at the gross incompetence displayed by Hillary Clinton’s State Department leading up to the attack of our ambassador in Benghazi. With all due respect, at this point… WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

United States Quick Fix

How to fix the United States – First remove all current income and property taxes so that everyone is starting with much more their earned income. Then you abolish the IRS. Then have a sales tax on a federal, state and municipal level. Yes, everything you purchase would cost more but you would have more purchasing power because of your increased take home pay. By doing this you would capture extra revenue from tourists, foreigners, drug dealers, and illegal immigrants. You could then scale the tax so that it would be capped for necessary items like food but there would be much higher limits on “luxury items”. You then hold a constitutional convention and create a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget by law. Then you abolish the Federal Reserve and start drilling for oil like crazy in Alaska. Then you get the global economic powers to agree to create import tariffs on all countries like China that engage in unethical slave labor practices. Then you lower the corporate tax rate from one of the highest on the planet to one of the lowest. Then you will start to see an influx of manufacturing jobs back into the United States. Now the tax system is simple and fair. Everyone that wants a job in the United States can find one. And Vladimir Putin is over in a corner sobbing into his empty bottle of vodka! How hard was that? USA! USA! USA!

Food For Thought


Both Fort Hood shooters were taken out by a woman with a gun. Maybe we should just automatically give all women concealed carry permits. Women don’t ever seem to go on shooting rampages but appear to be pretty good at stopping them.