The Perfect Day

One day when my son was about six years old, I decided that I wanted to give him the perfect day. I wanted to give him a day that he would remember for the rest of his life. He has always been a really great kid and I have always been a bit of a hard-ass and strict parent, so I decided to shake things up. We got up early that morning and I took him fishing. I then took him riding on a four-wheeler. After that, I took him to the arcade and followed that up with a trip to Toys-R-Us where he could pick out any toy that he wanted. I took him to the park and pushed him on a swing. I then let him pick out where we would go eat lunch. While sitting in his favorite restaurant, I asked him if he wanted to go out for ice cream when we were done eating lunch.  My child hesitated then asked, “Am I okay?”  Taken aback by his question, I asked “Why are you asking me that, buddy?” He then asked, “Am I gonna die, Papa? Why are you doing all this?”  I laughed and answered, “No, you aren’t going to die… I’m just trying to be nice.” My son then responded, “Well, it’s kind of freaking me out a little bit”. At that point, I decided to tone it down just a little and bring him back home before he ended up in therapy.

The Real Reason Behind Price Increases


The key to understanding the economic problems going in the United States today is based on a economic concept known as “”price discovery”. This is defined as the process of determining the price of an asset in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers. If you want to cure the United States of the economic cancer that is destroying it from within, you have to focus on the root of the problem. Our government is regularly engaged in activity that distorts the process of natural price discovery. They throw money into housing which falsely inflates home prices. They pour money into higher education which distorts the cost of a college education making it more unaffordable to the masses. They pour money into our bond market to drive down interest rates. They funnel money into medical care which distorts and destroys true price discovery and makes our health system the most expensive in the world. Then after all of this, we have idiots like Congressman Jim McDermott come along and recommend more market manipulation by trying to set limits on the cost of certain medical procedures in order to help bring down health care costs. Okay Congress, you want to figure out why the price of everything including health care continues to skyrocket? I suggest that you take Michael Jackson’s advice and look at the “Man in the Mirror”. My fear is that the majority of Americans will not understand what has been done to our economy until it is too late.

Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

As a diehard libertarian, I have to admit that I was quite pleased with the recent Supreme Court decision in defense of gay marriage. I have a few friends and many patients who are homosexual and have been mortified to witness how gay people have been treated like second class citizens in the eyes of the law over the years. I do sympathize with people who oppose gay marriage on religious grounds and feel that celebrating this decision excessively would be rubbing it in their faces. Some of the most kind and generous people that I have ever known are deeply religious and are offended by the concept of gay marriage as well as this recent Supreme Court ruling. I know that many of these people are concerned about the level of moral decay in this country and perceive homosexuality as just another example of this growing immorality. My advice to you would be to continue to pray for those around you whom you believe to be living in sin and to keep your hearts open to everyone. What I know in my heart is that the individuals on both sides of this argument are EXTREMELY GOOD AND CARING PEOPLE in general. As long as we remember this and are respectful to each other, I am sure we will find a way to peacefully coexist without violating anyone’s individual liberties.

Miss Utah Decrypted

miss utah


Miss Utah was recently asked to explain why women continue to earn less money than men in the workplace and here is her most interesting answer:

“I think we can relate this back to education and how we are continuing to try to strive to figure out how to create jobs right now. That is the biggest problem and I think especially the men are seen as the leaders of this and so we need to try to figure out how to create education better so that we can solve this problem.”

Now these are two sentences that I would never want to diagram, but the answer is very intriguing once it becomes deciphered. The first sentence points out how that as a society we clearly are not producing enough qualified economists. The second statement explains that as a society, we have not reached the intellectual level to produce schools to educate our economists properly and this can only be done by men. So women need to give birth to smarter men who can then lead schools to educate better economists to inform society how to provide women with equal pay! Brilliant! Why do we continue to depend on our beauty pageants as a resource for all of our great ideas? Many people don’t know this, but the “Manhattan Project” that lead to the research and development of our first atomic bombs in the 1940s started out as a wet T-shirt competition.

He Stopped Smoking Them Today

I dedicate my new song to everyone who has ever struggled to drop a nasty habit.


I have also included a status post-laryngectomy version for you as well.

The Real Meaning of Memorial Day

Memorial Day is not just a day to remember fallen soldiers. This is a day to remember to pay attention to the fact that soldiers continue to die for us regularly. It is a day to assure them that they will not be sent overseas just to be forgotten. It is a commitment to stay engaged in the political process and to become an informed electorate as to what is going on in the world. An uninformed electorate allows for foreign policy to wander aimlessly. Our military does an excellent job defending our freedoms from external threats. We need to do a better job defending our freedoms from the internal ones. Memorial Day should not just be a day to remember the fallen… We should remember to be better Americans in honor of those fallen.

The Birth Of Bitterness

I have worked at a good samaritan clinic for the past six years and I am very familiar with people on financial support and food stamps. I would say first of all that the most judgemental people in life are the ones whom have had the least happen to them in their own. I have seen some very sad stories play out over the years in which very good and hard-working people ended up on public assistance though no fault of their own. I would also be careful in painting this picture with too broad of a brush. There are some people who appropriately use financial assistance as a safety net while there are others that use this safety net has a hammock. My biggest complaint regarding our current system is the disconnect that is created between the providers and the takers. As people are taxed more they begin to feel less charitable. As people are given things that are not earned they begin to feel more entitled and less grateful. There is a vast difference between me giving someone twenty dollars out of my pocket vs someone just pulling my wallet out and taking twenty dollars for themselves. Charity that is not voluntary is theft. It is from this distinction where bitterness is born.

The Last Time The Cubs Won The World Series

The last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series was 1908. In that year…

Stamps cost 2 cents
Bread cost 5 cents
A gallon of gas cost 11 cents
Eggs cost 14 cents
Minimum wage was 22 cents per hour
And the average U.S. salary was 300 dollars per year

Laughing at the Cubs for their misfortune? Well, you should be laughing at yourself. The Federal Reserve was founded just five years after the Chicago Cubs won the World Series and since that time, the U.S. Dollar has lost over 98 percent of it’s value. All during this time, we are taught that inflation is “just supposed to happen”. The depreciation of a currency is by far the easiest way to steal from others without getting caught. My name is Michael Guyer. I am a libertarian Chicago Cubs fan and I approved this message.

What is an “African-American”?


This lady is an African-American? That’s correct, boys and girls. Charlize Theron is a South African born actress who is now an American citizen. This is one of the many examples why the phrase “African-American” is a poorly thought out term that should be abandoned. I am officially announcing that I plan to go back to the term “black”. It is quick and easy word to say and should not be any more offensive than the term “white”. Neither are completely accurate but both give you the general idea if you need to describe someone as an eye witness or in a patient’s chart. I don’t plan to change again regardless of which way the politically correct winds are blowing, unless of course the media comes up with something cool like “melanin-riddled”.

That Don’t Impress Me Much

I once knew a surgeon who drove around a 120,000 dollar sports car. This did not impress me. I once met a mother of four who kept an amazingly positive attitude after losing her job and living for a short period of time in the back of her van. That impressed the hell out of me. I have come to the realization that the people who impress me the most in life are the ones whom aren’t even trying to do so.